A few weeks ago, I was in the International District to do double duty. First, I visited the ID/Chinatown branch library, where they're now open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. every Friday. To celebrate, Seattle Public Library has a Find it on Friday game featuring cool trading cards. I won't spoil the surprise ... you need to go check it out yourself ... but here's a photo of a marvelous tea cup display on the wall.
From the library, I headed to a release party-book signing for the new graphic novel, Walk Don't Run, by my friend Dale Hom, a lifelong friend of Ken's, who also was at the book launch. Small world! So here's a photo of Dale (right), Ken (center), and my buddy Rebecca Hom. Yay, Dale!
Walk Don't Run is a fun and thought-provoking read about growing up Asian in Seattle. I'm sure it, too, will soon be available at Seattle Public Library branches -- and you can order a copy of your own via Third Place Books.